notes from 13/10/13 walk

Sunday 13/10 I did a walk around Helsinki, few notes:

(first idea)
Now about my monument's idea, I would like inversing this process. Find a solution to show at the public these little things, and invite people to walk around the city with different tour or without, like free urban walks. Just walking, becoming to be free to looking and to be touch by the environment.
(first idea)

You can find way and different points, which reference my notes in this map

Estonia trip

I came back Saturday evening in Helsinki. I did a little trip in Estonia where I walked a lot in and around the city of Tartu and Tallinn. Nice walks during days and nights.
Tartu is a small town, with a quiet pretty center and a periphery more poor and faded. It was my first time in these kind of country, with a soviet union past. The idea of monument is very important there. There are a lot, and I went to the art school where in sculpture department students learn how make stone/bronze sculpture (idea of perenial sculpture) and every courses doing focus on this idea of memory, on the classical way of the monument.

photos of walks in Tartu and Tallinn :
Tartu / Ghost town
Tallinn Nightwalks

notes from october 5